关于「 eugenengahsio」的内容列表

Trader: The current market price movement is similar to that of March 2022 or August 2023

Top trader Eugene Ng AhSio posted on social media that the current market price movement is similar to March 2022 or August 2023. However, investors should choose their own optimistic direction. In March 2022, Bitcoin rebounded to the highest point below the top, and then began a unilateral decline in April. In August 2023, Bitcoin fell rapidly in the middle of the year, and then briefly sideways and then began a unilateral rise.

2024-08-13 13:00:09

顶级交易员EugeneNgAhSio在社交媒体上发文表示,当前市场价格走势与2022年3月或2023年8月相似。 不过投资者应该选择自己的看好的方向。2022年3月时比特币反弹至顶部以下最高点,随后于4月开启单边下跌行情。2023年8月时比特币于中旬快速下跌,随后短暂横盘整理后开启单边上涨行情。

2024-08-13 13:00:09